Stained the body several times to arrive at the base coat. Used nitrocellulose tobacco brown lacquer to sunburst the edges. At that point I should have clear coated it with nitrocellulose lacquer but I went wrong. Used Solarez "I can't believe its not lacquer." This product DISSOLVES nitrocellulose!!! Watched my sunburst fade until I activated the epoxy resin with UV to stop the process. Otherwise I could have wiped off the whole and started over. That would mean losing a month of effort. Decided to just roll with it. Now I have a relic after the finishing process and an additional run over with 1200p wet sand paper to really finish it. Polish wasn't such a great effect. Used to boield linseed oil to add lustre to the finish. Too much going on these days to really geek out of this project. Will solder in the electronics when the mood comes over me (hopefully next weekend).
Will the Kluson bridge or tonepro tailpiece make a difference? So far I don't feel a night and day difference. Perhaps once I plug into an amp the tone may offer a consolation prize for ever thinking this project was worth it. Go seymour duncan go...